Thames Aquatic Facilities Project

Centennial Pool Thames.jpg

Thames' Centennial Pool is sited on a urupā (burial site), with Council having committed to return the sacred site to Ngāti Maru by the end of 2027.

The facility is 50 years old and is reaching the end of its useful life, with its design not fit-for-purpose to meet current and future community needs. In addition, Waikato Regional Aquatic Plan 2017 has identified an under-supply of all-year aquatic provision and lack of warm water in Thames-Coromandel.

A feasibility study into options for sites for Thames' future aquatic provision has been completed. Take a look our Thames Aquatic Provision Summary of Options document.

Work on a business case is now nearing completion with detailed costings, identifying any cost savings to address affordability, and looking at options for funding. This is expected to be presented to Thames Community Board on Wednesday 19 March 2025. The business case will also look at the potential implications such as the social and health impact to the town if there was a decision not to proceed with the replacement aquatic project because of funding issues.