Our 2024-34 Long Term Plan (LTP) has been finalised and approved with $9.171M of capital funding granted to address stormwater issues in Whangamatā. Details of stormwater funding can be found on page 69 of the LTP here.
Our Council has been working with the Whangamatā Stakeholder Community Engagement Team (community representatives, Whangamatā Community Board and Council members) regarding these stormwater issues.
We developed a Stormwater Improvement Project Master Plan, which was used to prioritise projects for the $2.135M of capital expenditure available in 2024/25. Using the Stormwater Flood Model, 19 improvement options were generated. The Stakeholders Engagement Team had an input into assessing each option using multiple criteria including;
- Achieving the target level of service
- Proposed location in stormwater network
- Practicality of design
- Relative capital cost
- Level of impact on flooding
- Adaption to climate change
The initial projects selected for 2024/25 were the upgrade of the Hetherington Road and Harbour View Road outlets with larger pipe reticulation, wa-stops (which prevent the backflow of tidal water into the network) and to provide water quality treatment via gross pollutant traps.
However, during detailed design, the survey confirmed the Harbour View Road outlet stormwater sub-catchment is significantly smaller than first anticipated. The flooding experienced in this area is localised, therefore this option benefits fewer properties than initially anticipated.
As result, it has been decided to defer the Harbour View Road outlet and focus on upgrading the Hetherington Road stormwater reticulation. Extending the stormwater pipeline in Hetherington Road provides significant benefit to the surface water flooding experienced within the catchment.
It is proposed to undertake a full upgrade of the stormwater pipeline. This will be designed in separable sections, and it anticipated to extend through to the 2025/26 financial year;
- Stormwater outlet to Martyn Road roundabout (including a wa-stop and gross pollutant trap)
- Martyn Road roundabout to Rutherford Road intersection
- Rutherford Road intersection to Port Road roundabout
Upgrading the entire network is a key enabler for a series of subsequent capital works upgrades in areas with significant stormwater flood issues (Casement Road, Tuck Road, Barbara Avenue and Port Road/town center). Our Council notes there will be a temporary but major impact of traffic management on Hetherington Road.