How to Stand


Nominations open Friday 4 July 2025 and close at noon on Friday 1 August 2025.

For information on online nominations: Candidacy and Nominations

Printed nomination forms will also be available during the nomination period from: 

→ Council’s Main Office, 515 Mackay Street, Thames

→ Coromandel Town Service Centre, 355 Kapanga Road, Coromandel.

→ Mercury Bay Service Centre, 10 Monk Street, Whitianga

→ Tairua Library, 2 Manaia Street, Tairua;

→ Whangamatā Service Centre, 620 Port Road, Whangamatā

Or by phoning the electoral office 0800 922 822.

To be eligible to stand for election, a candidate must be:

→ a New Zealand citizen (by birth or naturalisation ceremony); and

→ enrolled as a Parliamentary elector (anywhere in New Zealand); and

→ nominated by two electors whose names appear on the electoral roll within the respective area that a candidate is standing for.

A candidate information handbook will be available in May 2025.

Vote Local Resources - Including Candidate Guides

Information for candidates - Vote 25 | Pōti 25 Information for Māori candidates - Vote 25 | Pōti 25