Whitianga Esplanade Redevelopment Project

  • Project typeWaterfront facilities
Whitianga Esplanade concept image discussion only Sept 2024.png

Funding has been included in the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan (LTP) for the years 2027-2030 for work to improve the waterfront area from the wharf to the marina, allow for growth in the activities taking place there and alleviate current health and safety issues. Our Council has appointed a consultant to lead some early feasibility work with users, and develop some potential solutions that our Council can engage with the public on.

The project was initially identified in the 2021-2031 LTP as needed to address health and safety issues and overuse conditions of the Esplanade and provide amenity and recreational value into the future. There is a wide variety of user types in the area, from commercial and tourism operators on Whitianga Wharf, families at the playground and recreational boaties using the boat ramp – all in very close proximity.

Several initial sessions have been held so far this year with the project’s advisory group and a wide range of local waterfront users to listen to their needs and aspirations in the early stages of exploring options, and to better understand requirements and concerns. We are adding people to user focus groups as we go and as concepts are raised and explored.

User Focus Group Meeting 1, 26 March 2024
Focus on project background and current situation. Discussion on the commercial/public wharf issues and ideas; future of trailer boat launching and parking; fishing competitions and community events.
About 35 participants representing commercial fishing, recreational fishing, boaties, public open space and playground users, ferry operator, event organisers, iwi, Council staff, Community Board Members, local businesses and organisations, Coast Guard, Harbour Master, the Marina.

See the meeting notes(PDF, 11MB)

User Focus Group Meeting 2, 19 June 2024
Focus on wharf redevelopment; discussion of improvements to address current wharf health and safety issues.
About 23 participants representing waterfront users.

See the meeting presentation(PDF, 1MB)       See the meeting notes(PDF, 74KB)

User Focus Group Meeting 3, 26 August 2024
24 participants representing charter boat operators, Lyon Park sports clubs, a few Robinson Road residents, event organisers, commercial fishing, recreational fishing, the Marina, iwi, Council staff, Community Board Members.

This third meeting sought feedback into the wharf arrangement concepts which have been developed in previous meetings, and then explored the challenging topic of trailer boat ramps and parking. The initial user feedback emphasised the importance of keeping all existing boat ramps as there are no feasible all tide local alternative sites. One potential option discussed at this meeting was using Hilton Park for recreational trailer boat parking as an overflow during peak times.

See the meeting presentation(PDF, 4MB)        See the meeting notes(PDF, 82KB)

These meetings have been exploratory, to work out what might be viable options to take to the wider community for feedback. However, at the moment we’re still talking, and plan to talk to residents and property owners in the Robinson Road/Hilton Park area next. Our discussions have also included the Mercury Bay Business Association and there have been ongoing conversations with members of the user focus groups.

There will be wider public engagement once we have developed some feasible options for the community to consider.

No decisions have been made on any aspects of the Whitianga Esplanade Redevelopment, except the allocation of funding in the Long Term Plan.

If anyone would like to speak to a Council staff member about the project please get in touch with us at customer.services@tcdc.govt.nz, pop into our Whitianga customer service centre at 10 Monk St or give us a call at 07 868 0200.